
Skype call internal error
Skype call internal error

skype call internal error

It tells me 'Internal error' after it hangs up. Video and audio calls between Skype users and chat work fine, but not Skype Out calls. Proxy-Authorization: TLS-DSK qop="auth", realm="SIP Communications Service", opaque="F470D457", targetname=". I've tried in an iMac, MacBook Pro and Android Phone (this with the latest release that just came out last week) and I can't make a call to a number.

skype call internal error

is it a server issue, or network or client level itself ? How to go about it further ? I see this happens on LAN, VPN or Internet with few users, and problem disappears if user logsout and relogin, good for sometime and it happens again sporadically.

Skype call internal error